Javascript Menus
Javascripts > Javascript Menus
Scripts ordered by popularity. Newest scripts at the bottom.
Quick Menu
This unique Go menu not only allows you to quickly select and navigate to a list of sites, but also, view an instant description of each site!
Collapsible Menu Script
Collapsible menus that turn into submenus. Useful for things like categorizing subjects and a table of contents.
GO Menu
Use the GO! menu to quickly browser through and navigate to different URLs!
FlexiGrid 2
FlexiGrid 2 is a sort of folding grid, where you can display your tabular data in a hierarchial manner. As far as the internal functionality is concerned, FlexiGrid follows the concept of 'Content Indexing in a document'. i.e. The node IDs are generated in a way similar to the Content Indexing of a typical well organized document.
Visitor Website Location
This script will grab the webpage title and url and display the information as a working link of the webpage being visited! This script also adds a helpful "back" link and "home" link for easier navigation, and includes input for an image to seperate these links. Just type in your home URL and an image URL and you're set!